The azaleas in the nearby park are in full bloom now
The park on my wife’s way home from work was in full azalea bloom last week. She said that we should definitely all go out there on the weekend.
So, my whole family went for a walk at the park on the weekend. I had heard about it, but the azaleas in full bloom were even better than I expected, so I was glad I brought my camera.
The azaleas in full bloom look like a pink carpet
One area of the park was densely covered with azaleas, so it looked like a pink carpet there.
非公開: 満開のツツジはまるで赤い絨毯
【公園のツツジが満開】 妻が仕事から帰る途中にある公園は、先週ツツジが満開でした。妻は週末は絶対にみんなでそこに出かけようと言っていました。 そういうわけで週…