Spring Japanese Sweets Reminiscent Of Canola Flowers
The Origin of Japanese Sweets
The history of sweets in Japan dates back to about 2000 years ago. At that time, it is said that sweets were fruits such as chestnuts and persimmons.
About 1,400 years ago, Chinese envoys and high priests brought the most advanced sweets from the continental culture to Japan.
About 800 years ago, the custom of drinking Japanese tea and having snacks took root among Zen monks. Furthermore, about 700 years ago, sweets that were indispensable to the tea ceremony were developed mainly in samurai society. This is the root of today’s wagashi.
From Portugal and Spain, western sweets made mainly of eggs, flour and sugar arrived in Japan, and combined with Japanese culture, “Wagashi” was developed.
非公開: 春の訪れを思わせる美しい和菓子
【菜の花をイメージさせる春の和菓子】 【和菓子のルーツ】 和菓子の歴史は、今から約2000年前にさかのぼります。その頃のお菓子は、栗や柿などの果物だったと言われて…